Chapter 12 Bubble;Public relations


PR is very important to sell products or give you information. Social media changed the public relation process because social media is very close to our lives. Amazon has the PR in google when you search a product you want to buy. Social media helps organizations to benefit them.

(How do social media change the public relations process? Can you think of an example of how social media content has helped or hurt an organization? Why do you think this happened?)

MJiii; No media day

I selected the day of no media on during the travel in St. Louis and Chicago. November 20 was the longest and most tired day for me. I was in St. Louis and looked around the tourist attraction.
In the morning, I always check my phone for one hour, and then I prepare to go. However, I could not do like that because I cannot use my phone, so I could not dawdle on the bed. I just slept again little, and then I went to makeup and change clothes. I also always listen to music while making up, but I cannot. My friends already prepared, so they were having breakfast when I finished preparing. They were watching TV in living room, but I stayed away and ate breakfast. That was so lonely! Especially, I always have lunch and dinner while watching animation, so I felt how media supported my life!! We went to the Chinese restaurant with one of my Chinese friend’s sister and her boyfriend and have lunch. The restaurant has TV and my Chinese friends were talking in their language, so I had nothing to do be bored. I always use my phone in this boring time if I can use my phone. I had already talked about this media assignment to my friends, so one of my friends was talking with me. After lunch, we went to St. Louis museum. That was really fun for me because I do not need to care about my phone. I was always thinking about my phone until arrived at the museum. After looking around the museum, we went to Saint Louis Zoo. This was also fun because I could see a lot of kind of animals. I took a lot of pictures! I was tired to walk, but it was really interesting. We planned to go skating; however, we could not skate because the game of ice hockey was performed. So, we went to eat Korean BBQ. And, we were back to the hotel. Because I cannot use my phone, I asked my friends to play mah-jongg.
To sum the day up, I was trying to talk a lot with my friends or focus on arts and animals. Instead of media, I was talking with my friends, looking around in the museum and the zoo, and play mah-jongg with them. I felt it was difficult to live without media when I am alone when I do not know the words in English to tell about something to my friends, and before I sleep. I thought it would be hard to sleep in the day because I always use my phone until I fall to sleep. However, I was very tired because of sightseeing and walking a lot, so in fact, it was really easy to sleep. Living without media makes us healthy.
I missed login bonus in my iPhone game, but I did not miss a lot of real things. I noticed something I did not know. However, media deprivation was very hard for me when I want to tell something I do not know how to express in English. I and my friend always talk in English while looking up English words. Sometimes Japanese and Chinese use the same character, so it is kind of easy to communicate with. On the day, I could not do like that. I could not use a dictionary because it would be considered the book, and even my iPhone. Fortunately, we did not plan to go shopping or something we have to separate, so it was easy for me not to use my iPhone.
I felt I cannot do anything without media by this assignment. I felt how media support to fulfill my curiosity. I had to give up knowing something in the entire day, and it was really hard. Also, I felt media especially SNS (especially twitter for me) give me relax time. I did not know how to relax without media, so I could not relax all day (I think that is why I was very tired.). I could notice my relax time is checking SNS after waking up and before sleeping. I was little surprised because some article said SNS gives us stress. In my case, I am using SNS for relaxing. Even though I am not using the Facebook application because I get tired, other SNS makes me relax. I was glad to know this thing because I thought I was always wasting my time on SNS. I did not waste my time, and it was my relax time. This is really important for me. Well, I was little irritated that I cannot use my phone, and this is the evidence that media provides us relax time.

observations/reactions to the three-part media journal
First, I learned that I would feel lonely without media. I always contact with Japanese friends online, and they support me. I know I should have more American friends, but I think I am not enough to talk deep things in English. This is one of my motivations to study English, but I cannot live without media because I do not want to feel lonely! I think I should reduce wasting time on SNS, but it is also necessary for me. Whenever I feel I waste my time, I am always using media. I am always getting into media.
I rate my media consumption 6. I am controlled by media because I cannot live without media, but I can control media because I know how media should be used. However, I feel I am little bit being controlled by media because I always waste my time without realizing it!!!
I want to reduce time to use my phone in the future, however, this is also my relax time. I want to balance using my time. I want to use other media instead of the phone.
I do not recommend others complete a media journal because it is hard to complete, but I want to try again the third one. No media day was kind of detox day for me because I do not need to care about SNS and others. I feel good after I finished the day.

P.S. Dear Dr. Sitton

I could not visit Navy Pier and Green Mill because I do not have time! I went to Chicago with 4 people, so it was difficult to decide where we visit in Chicago. However, I really love Chicago, so I want to go there again! I want to look around the Chicago museum slowly and go Green Mill and Navy Pier! I love jazz music and amusement park, so it was good to know where I should visit in Chicago!! Thank you for telling me about Chicago!


Chapter 11 Bubble; Super bowl ads

I do not watch the Super Bowl every year, but I like watching the show at halftime. According to Super Bowl Commercial, I like and Skittles commercial ( is using animation Kung Fu Panda, and it is very funny and cute. Skittles is very funny, and Steven Tyler is competing with his own self-portrait.

(Do you watch the Superbowl every year for the ads? What are your favorite Super Bowl ads? What makes you like them?)

Chapter 10 Bubble; How many social media accounts I have

I have social media accounts on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, group me, WeChat, skype, and Line. I especially use twitter, and on only twitter, and I have five accounts. I am using twitter for the purpose of private, professional, connecting with people who like same games, just seeing my interesting tweet, and saying what I want to say. I usually see the twitter account to communicate with people who like the same game as me. Yes, I think I share too much through social media because I usually communicate with my friends on twitter.

(How many different social media accounts do you have? Whom are they with? With whom do you communicate using social media? Do you ever think you share too much through social media? Why or why not?)

Chapter 9 bubble; about my use of television

I actually do not have a television in my room, so I cannot watch television. I did not watch any programs last night. However, I can watch drama on my computer, so I sometimes watch it. My father really like watching television whatever is airing, but I always watch television while using my phone. I think I do not watch too much television, but my father does.

(When and why do you watch television? Do you watch specific shows or just whatever is airing? Do you think it’s possible to watch “too much” television? Why or why not? What did you watch last night?)

Chapter 7 Bubble ; Are you using headphones now?

Even if I want to talk with someone with headphones, I hesitate to talk with him or her because he or she is difficult to hear my voice. The music players, such as smartphones, iPods, and Walkmans, change how to interact with people, and it is going in the bad direction.

However, I usually use headphones to watch animation and listen to music. and, the purpose of using headphone is sometimes to keep people at a distance. Because I am not a perfect person, I sometimes do not talk or meet with my friends or acquaintances. Even if I should greet with people, I sometimes blow off it. I know it is not good. When I am going shopping in Japan, I always use headphones because shop apprentices try to sell clothes pushy. I really do not like that because I just want to look at the clothes that I want.

03867643-eaff-455e-9681-b5f578e67869I think the more urban city has a lot of people with headphones because the distance between people to people is very close than county side. The reason I usually use headphone is that I live in urban city long time. When I hang out with my friends, we always meet at the place where there are a lot of people. This picture is the Scramble intersection at Shibuya where at peak times said to be over 1000 people,cross at a time. There are many people who use headphone there, and they said they do not want someone to talk with them. Also, if you live in an urban city, you usually use train or bus to go to the places. I always feel boring when I am in train or bus, so I listen to the music by headphones or earbuds. I think this is closely related to the reason why people use headphones to keep people at a distance.

(How do personal music players, such as smartphones, iPods, and Walkmans, change how we interact with people? Does warking around with headphones on isolate us from each other? Do you use your headphones or earbuds to keep people at a distance?)

MJii: My Media Use

I kept tracking my media use for 21 days, and I understood I am ALWAYS using media. I use media to media all day, and the only time I do not use media is just when I am sleeping or talking with my friends.

social-media-use-soars-for-people-65-480681166My media use pattern is the same every day. After I wake up in the morning, I always check SNS, especially twitter. I always check Japanese friends’ tweet or communicate them, and it takes more than 1 hour every day. When I have a lunch, I always watch animation because I really love to watch it. This is just my role, and I do not want to take the time to watch animation except for lunch time because my study time will reduce if I watch it other free time. This is my routine and one of my favorite things. This routine is also dinner time too. After my classes are over, I will study, but it is uncertain media use because it is depending on the day. I always play games when I am brushing my teeth before I sleep, and I keep playing a game until I sleep after I go to bed. This is my routine of media use.

The day of having peak media consumption was October 5. I was studying all day for the U.S. government Exam. I think October 9 was also the peak of media consumption because I was writing an essay. I used the textbook and searched a lot of information online.

I think it is hard to look for the day I seldom used media, but if I had to choose, it was September 27 because I went to my Chinese friends’ house and was making a lot of dumpling while taking with them a long time.

My media choice is almost via iPhone because it is very useful to carry around. I always have IPhone not only for media use but also for a cell phone. I sometimes read books to relax, study, and have fun. I especially like reading Japanese magazine, SWEET, but I do not read it here because I cannot buy it. I always check fashion on IPhone. I so not watch television because I do not have a television in my room.

My brother’s media use is similar to mine. However, my father really loves to watch television. He always lies on the floor to watch television. I think it is relaxing time for him. My mother sometimes plays a game on her phone, but she also sometimes plays Sudoku or word puzzles. I think my mother is the most people in my family who are less use of media.

My peer is also similar to my media use and choices, but I think it is different to use what application they usually use. I always spend my time on twitter, Line, and Instagram.

My residence is North Park Quads which is the on-campus dormitory. My roommates are two American and one Chinese. Two Americans are usually not in their rooms, so I do not know what media they use. Chinese girl is a little close, so I know her always watches movie or drama on her computer.

Lastly, my hobbies are checking SNS, playing the games on IPhone, and sometimes practicing Karate. I usually do checking SNS and playing games. I also like talking with my friend. However, I usually take a lot of time to study for classes because of my English skills, so now I just can do checking SNS and playing games. I like studying in English, so it is usually not pain, but it is sometimes a pain because studying in English is hard.

Chappter 8 bubble ; Why I go to the movies

I usually go to the movies when the movies that I want to watch can watch at a movie theater, and I feel the experience of going to the movie is worth the cost. Because I only go to the movie that I want to watch, I do not mind the cost of watching the movie. However, I do not go to the movie theater just to watch the movie. I know it is better to watch movies at the theater than on the computer, so I think it is worth watching the movie at a movie theater than watching on the computer.

(Why do you go to the movies? Do you feel that the experience of going to the movies is worth the cost? Why or why not?)

Chapter 6 Bubble: How I get news

I usually get news from twitter. I am following news accounts and I always check just disturbing news. I do not have a television in my room, so I do not watch television. But I sometimes watch television when I am in Japan. I think twitter news account has a lot of advantages. You can use twitter free, ignore news if the news does not disturb, and retweet or spread the news if you like or say some opinion. The downside of news from twitter is just sometimes it makes you feel annoying.

(How do you get your news? Do you read a newspaper, go to a legacy media site online, watch television, or listen to the radio? What advantages do you experience from using this news source? What is the downside of relying on that source?)

Chapter 5 Bubble : The change of Japanese magazine

8 I really love the Japanese magazine, SWEET. I always buy this magazine in Japan, and even I am in the United States, I ask my family to buy it. I think this magazine has four characteristics that Rhodes noted;

  • Buiding a relationship between the magazine and its readers
  • Providing information readers can’t easily find other places
  • Adapting to social changes
  • Being supported by advertisers

Sweet is always provided reader’s survey, which asks “What was the most interesting article?”What clothes do you like the best?”Which model do you like?”. And also, if you answered this survey, you can have a chance to get clothes that appeared in the magazine. This is successfully building the relationship between the magazine and its readers. Sweet provides information about main fashion. It is kind of hard to find favorite clothes because I have to look around a lot of shops. The magazine enables readers to find their favorite clothes easily. Sweet is a fashion magazine, so it is adapting social changes such as fashion trend. img_3984Sweet is supported by advertisers, and it is also supported Sweet’s sales. They also usually collaborates popular fashion store and sell with these free gifts. This picture is my collections of Sweet’s free gifts. I really love these and I always use these bags. I think these free gifts is successfully attracting readers.

Many magazines in Japan did not usually sell with free gifts. However, because the fashion industry is fiercely competitive and it needs to differentiate, the number of magazines that sell with free gift increased. This reason is to sell the magazine than other magazines, and it will be forced to cease its publication if the magazine does not sell very well. My teenager’s bible, Cawaii, ceased publication. Creating magazines publication frequently caused after I entered University. It was especially Gyaru such as Yamanba. ganguroThe trend of Gyaru in Japan is almost finished, so the magazines for Gyaru reduced. Now, the magazines in Japan are usually sold with free gifts such as lip gloss, cheek, lip, nail polish, and blush of cheek and eye shadow. Of course, the price of the magazine is as almost same place as the magazine that does not have free gifts (or, it is about 2.00 dollars higher than the magazine not with free gifts). And also, the free gift is superior in quality and price, so I sometimes buy cosmetics in a bookstore than cosmetic shops. I sometimes come with the aim of the free gift of magazines to a bookstore. But if I bought the magazine to get the free gift, I always give the magazine a quick once-over to check how to use the free gift. I think this strategy is very good. To sell more magazines, the change of the Japanese fashion magazine has made tremendous progress. I do not know the magazine itself is better than past magazines, but I think the Japanese fashion magazine became increasingly attractive.

(What magazines (if any) do you read regularly? Which of the characteristics noted by Rhodes do they share? How have the magazines you read changed over time, and why do you think those changes were made? Did they lead to a better magazine?)